Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Yvonne Zhou- Week 5- Lewis Lab

I forgot to publish the post on the fifth week I spent in the Lewis lab.

This was what I wrote last week:
"Go Oranje in France 2016! Congrats to Deutchland as well.

This week I finished up my work on the MSC differentiation assay project. Cells in one more well popped off so we decided to end the experiment. We did staining on Wednesday using two Alizarin Red and Oil Red O to each test out the osteogenic and adipogenic cells. Unfortunately, while the minerazation in the osteogenic group was as we expected, we did not detect much difference in the cells' reaction to the Oil Red O staining.
Here I have attached the microscopy pictures:
We found the staining satisfying.

MSCs_2D_inDMEM Complete_Day21-OsteoStained_10x

This is the one in which we didn't find the expected result: supposedly there will be stained areas on this picture.
MSC_2D_inDMEM Complete_Day21-AdipoStained_10x

At the same time I continued splitting cells, other cell culture work and miscellaneous things such as aliquot. I also shadowed the British post-doc who is working on a perfusion project when my mentor was not in the lab.

My mentor had me help out with another project starting on Thursday. This project aims to print cells along with fugitive ink (Pluronic in this case) into a scaffold. After the pluronic liquefies and is aspirated out, the cells, as planned for now they would be co-culture of endothelial(HUVEC) and fibroblast cells, will self-assemble and hopefully develop capillaries within channels.

As the World Cup approached its last several games, I went to see the games with the lab members each time. Friday was my birthday, and I brought donuts to the lab! Everyone liked them :)


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