On Monday of my final week, I had a meeting with Zhenghan to discuss my last five days at the lab. She had suggested that I look at the ANOVA results and the OLS Regression results to look for any statistical significance or patterns. She also recommended that I compile all the plots and regression results into one sheet on notebook viewer, which allows me to publish all my work this summer on a http address. Because she was going to Netherlands that weekend for a conference, she wanted me to just work on my poster after I finished all of these things.
After plotting all the language scores with the average durations and the five syllable durations, I took the OLS Regression for each plot to look at the p-values. None of the 34 graphs had p-values lower than the confidence level (p=.05), but one came very close to it. The p-value from the plotting of five syllable durations and the test scores from a test called CTOPP-2 Blending Words is 0.088, which was just slightly above the confidence level. The Blending Words task measures the ability to synthesize sounds to form words, which similar to the Nonword Repetition task. The plot showed that the subjects with higher score in CTOPP-2 Blending Words task took lesser time responding to 5 syllable words. There was no correlation with the average durations, suggesting that the difference in the ability to formulate words showed up only when longer words were presented. The OLS Regression also revealed that the coefficient of determination is 0.182, which suggests approximately 42.7% predictability.
The ANOVA results for the average durations for each syllable showed no signficance with the p-value of 0.456, which exceeds the confidence level by much.
Average durations for each syllable:
5 Syllable Durations and CTOPP-2 Blending Words scores:
For all the graphs and regression data, visit: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/gist/chris0705/5f521a3ac296343a9595