So, when we were testing our code with all of the sensors and curcuit boards attached to the drone, we noticed a very troubling problem. Not only was the drone too heavy, it was just too messy. There were wires sticking out that frequently got caught in the propellers, random items attached to the body to help balance the weight of the drone and it frankly just looked really bad. So, I took it upon myself to design our own custom frame that would better facilitate our needs. This is the frame that they are currently using at the lab. Below is a picture of it.
There are 4 slots on the front, sides and back of the circle for the different sensors that we are using and slots to mount the circuit board and custom blade guard we have. In the end, we dropped about 70g of weight which increased flight time from 7 minutes to 15 minutes. It also helped keep the wires much more ruley.
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