Friday, June 20, 2014

Arman Grewal--Week 3, Shanks Lab, University of Pittsburgh

This week was so much fun due to the large amount of independence that I was given. There was no more supervision, as I had gained their trust with continuing my work on my experiments. I worked on two different projects this week, the same one as last week with the effect of varying amounts of concentrations of Dexamethasome on Biofilm formation of different bacteria such as Staph Epi and S Mar, and a new experiment where I tested the diffusion of vigamox through contact lens versus collagen corneal shields. The work was fun, time consuming, and at times repetitive. However, I am enjoying my time here greatly.

I am learning to love Pittsburgh as a city, and have favorite restaurants and areas to go to. I am also becoming much closer with all the members in my lab, and are enjoying their company greatly.

Overall, this week was a great one!

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